This SEBO Service Kit contains eight Genuine SEBO high filtration white fabric UtraBags™ plus the Hospital-Grade Microfilter #6191AM and SEBO C Series Exhaust Microfilter #6033AM to keep your SEBO C Series canister performing well. The white fabric filter media used to construct the SEBO UltraBag cleans the air much better plus enables greater air flow compared to their previous paper bags. Also included are eight green disks to seal the bag inlets before removing them for disposal.
This SEBO Service Kit contains Ten Genuine SEBO High Filtration 3-Layer Paper Bags plus the Hospital-Grade Microfilter and fine foam SEBO X Series Exhaust Filter to keep your SEBO Automatic X Series upright performing well. Also included are ten green disks to seal the paper bag inlets before removing them for disposal. This kit is also known by its European #5094ER. This Service Kit has been replaced by Service Kit #5828AM which also includes the nozzle blade.